Airport Program – call for participation

buildingSMART International (bSI) has launched a new specialist domain for developing and deploying open digital standards specifically for the airport environment. The “Airport Program”, together with the Asset Management department at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, is assembling a team with bSI.

Most airport groups are developing their own BIM standards and there is not a uniform data exchange format to approach the market for airport facilities.

Register your interest today.

This exciting new program is developing a strategy to enable reliable and re-usable information for decision making across a variety of airport asset types and for all phases of the lifecycle. By using open standards for digital information exchanges, airports will gain new value found through openBIM initiatives.

openBIM standards can help to:

  • Remove proprietary road blocks – allowing all project members to participate regardless of their software tools
  • Create a universal, neutral platform – for quality model file sharing and archiving
  • Promote data repurposing and reuse – sustainable data for use throughout the asset lifecycle of design, build, operate, maintain and dispose

The benefits to be derived are:

  • Unification of digital standards to enable more efficient working from the supply chain.
  • Enable asset management decisions based on cost, risk and performance for the entire lifecycle of airport facilities.
  • Make innovative design and build solutions, reducing disruption at the airport.
  • Enable economies of scale with the supply chain and maintenance suppliers
  • Link to the wider buildingSMART Industry Foundation Class (IFC) environment to allow airport Asset Managers access to IFC developments for Buildings and Infrastructure to their portfolio.

More information can be found in the Airport Room Roadmap Report.

To be part of this exciting project team, Register your interest today.