Regulatory bodies supported by open digital standards
buildingSMART International has published a Technical Report that reviews the currently available and proposed exchange formats for supporting interoperability between Regulatory, Requirements and Recommendatory (RRR) content.
This report aims to:
• present a case for investigating such issues
• identify solutions
• propose recommendations that will be implemented by the buildingSMART community by the research community and by regulatory bodies.
In response to clients needs and the many other factors which influence the design and
procurement of a building, the construction sector analyses RRR and then delegates them
downwards in an iterative and cyclic process. For example; designers and engineers
develop proposals, which are then aggregated together, analysed and approved: and are
returned if issues are detected.
buildingSMART defines the representation of the proposals and ‘approvals
and issues’ can be conveyed.
The report is published in the buildingSMART library of reports and standards.
The direct link to the report is here.
If your organisation would like to be involved with the Regulatory Room to progress open digital standards for regulation please email