IFC Site Landscape and Urban Planning
The international IFC for Site, Landscape, and Urban Planning project is investigating further development of the IFC schema to embrace the domain of sites, landscapes, and urban planning with the creation of open standard-based data modeling, workflows, and data exchanges for procurement, construction, and operations. As BIM increases in adoption and complexity, more stakeholders in the process are being asked to contribute in a meaningful way, connecting and exchanging an ever-increasing variety of data sources.
Industry domain experts from around the globe may participate in this project, including both members and non-members of buildingSMART. BuildingSMART is seeking broad international consensus and is looking for a wide variety of domain experts to participate, including but not limited to:
- Owners
- Landscape architects
- Civil engineers
- Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Gas, Electric, and Communications engineers
- Geotechnical engineers
- Surveyors
- Urban planners
- Governmental and regulatory authorities
- Material suppliers
- General contractors and trades
- Electrical Engineers
- Arborists
- Professional associations
More details for the project can be found in the Activity Proposal. Initial participation orientation calls were held in December of 2018, with the project timeline running from January 2019 to April 2020, with deliverables and approach detailed in the Activity Proposal.
To register your interest in participating in the project, please complete this form.