openBIM® Transportation Regional Summit 2024: Rail Day

Regional event hosted by buildingSMART USA


Day 2 at the openBIM® Transportation Regional Summit 2024

November 14, 2024 | All Day | Oracle Innovation Lab (Chicago Area)

This inaugural event of the newly-forming bS-USA Rail Committee included Rail domain speakers from the US and Europe sharing practical examples of openBIM for railway projects and management.

The key event was an open-microphone roundtable discussion of successes , challenges, interests, and potential initiatives that will help chart the course for this new bS-USA Rail Committee as it moves forward.

Click on timestamps below to jump to a chapter:

0:00:00 Opening (Dan Johnson - Oracle)
0:07:20 buildingSMART Introductions & Updates (Calvin Kam - SBI)
0:13:48 Introduction to the Day (Moses Scott - Woolpert)
0:23:50 Highlights from Roads & Bridges Day (Will Sharp - HDR )
0:47:47 Benefits, Successes, Challenges, Advice (Eivind Pagander Tysnes - Ban NOR)
1:05:36 open GIS • BIM • Digital Twin (Matthias Gropp - Murphy Geospatial)
1:32:43 Dispelling the Myths of Digital Delivery (Alexis Walters & Nicole Williams - Kimley-Horn)
OpenBIM for Comprehensive, Digital Records (KiSeok Jeon - STV)

Agenda - November 14, 2024

Start times are in Central Time

Start TimeTitlePresenter / Speaker
7:30 AMBeverage Service / Networking
8:00 AMWelcome & IntroductionsCalvin Kam (SBI & bS-USA Chapter President)
8:30 AMIntroduction to the DayMoses Scott (Woolpert)
8:45 AMHighlights from Roads & Bridges DayWill Sharp (HDR & bS-USA Roads & Bridges Committee)
9:00 AMBenefits, Successes, Challenges, AdviceEivind Pagander Tysnes (Ban NOR)
9:45 AMopen GIS • BIM • Digital TwinMatthias Gropp (Murphy Geospatial)
10:30 AM15-minute Break
10:45 AMDispelling the Myths of Digital DeliveryAlexis Walters & Nicole Williams (Kimley-Horn)
11:30 AMOpenBIM for Comprehensive, Digital RecordsKiSeok Jeon (STV)
12:15 PMLunch / Networking
1:00 PMOpen Mic Discussion Session on Railway Industry Needs Calvin (SBI), Moses Scott (Woolpert), Will Sharp (HDR)
2:00 PMCalls to ActionMoses Scott (Woolpert), Tony Rinella (SBI), Will Sharp (HDR)
2:15 PMClosing


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